關於鎂熯About Mehan
專業品質導向Professional quality-oriented
本公司從事於”螺紋滾牙輪” ”花鍵滾牙輪” ”蝸桿滾牙輪” “螺旋齒滾牙輪” “滾珠螺桿滾牙輪”之專業製造廠.我們可充分提供業界所需求之規格,不論是新品製作或翻修業務.皆能於最短時間內完成客戶所託付之要求,本公司以專業人才及認真的處事態度搭配精密生產設備,並配合母公司鎂佳機械工業股份有限公司研發部專業人員經由三D立體動態模擬及精密檢測設備所生產之滾輪產品.多年來深受使用客戶的肯定與讚賞。
Our company is engaged in production of standard rolling die ,spline rolling die ,worm gear rolling die, helical tooth rolling die, ballscrew rolling die professional manufacturer. We can provide a sufficient demand for the industry standard. Regardless of New production or re-ground. Can be completed within the shortest time required by customers entrust.
The company professionals and serious attitude with sophisticated production equipment and with the main company’s R&D professionals use 3D simulation of the production of rolling die products. Our customers have been giving us a lot of appreciation for many years.
鎂熯經營理念Mehan Philosophy
Production costs and speed are the basic requirement of a company. MEHAN technology Ltd many years of experience which the production line planning reasonable and unreasonable is a company’s ability reduce production cost element of the decision. So we and MEGA set up an automated planning team to help our customers design the automatic production line. Our company also can provide “automatic horizontal bandsaw machine, NC high speed heavy duty automatic carbide circular saw machine, thru-feed & in-feed hydraulic heavy duty thread rolling machine, chamfering machine. Hopefully every customers can use our company products to create their profits.
綠色行動推行者Green Action promoter
經營團隊以多年累積經驗認為冷作加工業,是綠色環保條件下必行之路徑.產品品質提升是爾後公司生存命脈所以本公司不惜重資引進五軸研磨機提升產品精度與生產速度,以解決客戶越來越嚴格之精度及速度要求 。
The company team with many years of experience cold work is the imperative of environmental protection also enhance product quality is our manager’s expectation so We bought a five-axis grinder machine to upgrade product accuracy and speed of production.